Clay bound water calculation software

Since clays andor clay bound water typically affect all logging devices, a variety of clay estimators can be constructed. Archies formula for water saturation calculation in a shalefree reservoir is presented as. Several commercial software packages are available that perform these s w calculations for. Petrophysical approach for estimating porosity, clay.

Pdf quantification of clay mineral and log response. Its been almost 2 months since i treated our pond with your product. Shale basics in petrophysical analysis, shale volume is one of the key answers used later to correct porosity and water saturation for the effects of clay bound water, cbw. After clay bound water correction corrected mercury injection capillary pressure data now match far better with actual gas water or oil water capillary pressure data and the porosity now reflects the clay bound water and will result in more representative reserve estimations. When shale has high clay content, the neutron porosity log is overestimated due to the hydrogen effect of clay. An improvement in cation exchange capacity estimation and water. A synthesis of nmr and resistivity requires an estimate of the wet clay volume and its contribution to conductivity. In actuality, the maths is very straightforward to program nowadays. Determination of nmr t2 cutoff for clay bound water in shales. Clay bound water is understood to include the interlayer water, although the. Quicklook petrophysical math crains petrophysical handbook. Pdf determination of nmr t2 cutoff for clay bound water in. This water does not move when fluid is flowed through the rock. Pdf determination of nmr t2 cutoff for clay bound water.

Cec is dependant upon mineralogy, but also the surrounding water, its salinity, ph, temperature, pressure, and the type of cations in the water. Being more qualitative than quantitative, they rely on local knowledge andor the log analysts good judgment. This program estimates soil water tension, conductivity and water holding capability based on the soil. Polymer calculator, calculate how much polymer i need.

Measurements of claybound water and total porosity by. From comparison to log analysis results, it appears that some clay bound water remains in many cases, so phicore lies between total and effective porosity from log analysis. Water within the clay lattice or near the surface within the electrical double layer. Shale is a finegrained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of clay minerals and tiny fragments siltsized particles of other minerals, especially. Sw calculations from laboratory capillary pressuresaturation pcsw. In other words, effective porosity is total porosity less the volume of clay bound water.

The bound water volume varies with clay type, depth of burial, and burial history. In the normal definition used by a log analyst, clay bound water is not part of the effective porosity and is the difference between total porosity and effective porosity. Calculating porosity and water saturation slideshare. Assuming clay bound water is driven off by heating and drying, then phicore equals total porosity. Shale volume estimation is the first calculation step in a log analysis. In the current work, cementation exponent in free water mf and clay bound water. Interactive petrophysics calculate shale volume youtube. It uses clay bound water conductivity instead of wsts bqv factor see eqs. The best way to calculate total porosity is using the density log, correcting for. Pdf effectivemedium resistivity models for calculating water.

Clay bound water, due to the high cec of clays is only part of the total bound water. Quantification of clay mineral and log response toward reservoir rock properties. Archie, simandoux, indonesia, fertl, and sw ratio the archie equation was the first empirical model built 1942 to estimate the water saturation in non conductive matrix rocks. Soil water characteristics hydraulic properties calculator. Core technology program of the korea institute of energy. We have had about 6 inches of rain since and the pond looks great. A case study of carynginia formation, perth basin, western australia. Total porosity may be defined as all the pore space containing fluids water, oil or gas. In the written program, all three unknowns have been determined. The nmr tool is sensitive to the difference between bound and free water i. Therefore, the density log is used to calculate the porosity of a shale gas reservoir. Petrophysical approach for estimating porosity, clay volume, and wa.

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